Raised in a wealthy family, the American actress freed herself by approaching an artistic career beginning on Broadway stages.
She was remarked in 1932 and moved to Hollywood where she made her first film début and immediately attracted the attention of critics and the public with her elegant figure and acting skills. However her unconventional attitude, her athletic almost boyish allure and strong independence differed from Hollywood's traditional feminine stereotypes. Although, she was later admired for her temperament that inspired modern and feminist women, she was quite unpopular with the public and the press in the 1930s, who qualified her the 'box office poison'. Her 26-year affair with co-star Spencer Tracy, out of which nine films came out, helped her popularity but 'Miss Kate' who earned four Oscars, never picked any up and claimed that 'if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.' More than a figure or a face, Miss Kate will remain forever this so Hollywood-like jerky delivery.